[Scid-users] Chess Engine Control
2016-08-30 19:25:54 UTC

I'm having a problem with chess engine control.

I have selected as my chess engine Stockfish 2 thread (SF-2T), and it performs perfectly in my analysis window. However, when I choose the "+" icon to "add move", most of the time the pieces move as indicated by my selected chess engine (SF-2T). But sometimes the moves do not match. It is as if some other engine is in control. Is there a setting that forces the board to ONLY use the chess engine that I have chosen? Can I turn off this other chess engine?

PS - I've asked a similar question a year or so ago with an older version of SCID. But am hoping the current version of SCID has a new setting to stop this unexpected behavior.
Benoit St-Pierre
2016-08-31 19:10:18 UTC
From my experience, this comes from the fact that the engine is switching
to another line while you add the variation to your game analysis.

Fulvio has written a report for the issue in the tracker:


Meanwhile, my own recommendation is to add your variation before your chess
engine usually switches. The deeper the line, the more time it takes to the
engine to switch. There might be a way to "slow down" your engine, but I'm
not sure which UCI setting you'd need to tweak. Perhaps the "slow mover"?


